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This is my outlet to all things fashion, travel, food, and pure comfort.

Sad Sad Time

It's a sad sad time right now. Haiti is in everyone's prayers. I really hope that we can provide as much food and security as possible. With the help of everyone, that could be possible.

I was reading an article today about tourism in Haiti as we speak. They are docking ships in Haiti's beaches and providing them with food and water but they tourists are still having fun and enjoying the weather not too many miles away from where a catastrophic event occurred. I agree that it is nice of  Royal Caribbean to keep providing them with money from tourism and providing food and supplies, however, this is a time for mourning and grieving and I just would not feel comfortable at port on Haiti's beach swimming while children and adults are stranded looking for food. What are your comments? Whoever you are that's reading this. : ) Don't be shy.

If you look to your left on the blog there is a button on how YOU can help Haiti. I have already donated money to them. Now I am seeking information on how I could volunteer. There was another article I was reading about all the homeless children without any parents. Just makes me so sad. Wish I could help. : (

Those affected in the Haiti Earthquake are in my prayers.

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